In this post, we will analyze malware and reverse engineer a sample called lumma stealer.
A web-based attack vector has a captcha page that asks the users to perform the task for verification.
The user is presented with a captcha page as shown below,
On a legitimate page, the user will be asked to select some boxes that contain this or that object, but here the users are asked to run a PowerShell script for verification that is automatically copied to the system clipboard once the user clicks on “I am not a robot” as shown below,
We will use the automatically copied PowerShell script for investigation, the script contains a base64 encoded text being executed with a hidden window.
After decoding the base64 text we get the following data, The decoded text contains another PowerShell command to execute the content of a file called a.txt stored at a remote location.
We download the a.txt file for further examination.
The a.txt contains,
The file in turn contains another PowerShell command that downloads the file called from a remote location and stores that file with a different name in a temp location, it then extracts the content into the folder called file then executes the set-up.exe from that path.
After unzipping the directory content is,
The interesting thing to note, the file set-up.exe has a resemblance to the Iobit uninstaller. A normal user would see the copyright of the file to be Iobit and might consider the file as Legitimate.
Apart from set-up.exe, we do not find any executable in the directory but after we check the file type of every file we can see that most of the files with .bpl extension are executable.
We ran floss on madbasic_.bpl, maddisAsm_.bpl, madexcept_.bpl and Set-up.exe,
The strings inside madbasic_.bpl seems pretty interesting they include text like Encrypt, Decrypt, Encode, and Decode.
The file maddisAsm_.bpl has a reference to the previous file madbasic_.bpl.
The file madexcept_.bpl contains text like HTTP account, password, SMTP account, password, etc.
At last, the Set-up.exe contains text like sending mail, sending attachments, etc.
Let’s do a dynamic analysis to get more insight.
After we execute the file we use procom to get the activity performed by Set-up.exe file.
The file did perform a lot of activity but the most interesting are CreateFile, WriteFile, and CreateProcess.
The process tree gave us more insight i.e. the Set-up.exe file created a subprocess called which executes from the SYSWOW64 folder in turn creating two subprocesses of conhost.exe and Launcher.exe executing from the AppData folder.
We use x32Dbg for debugging the Set-up.exe file. We set the following breakpoints which we got from the file activity in procmon.
We hit an interesting CreateFile breakpoint,
It created a file called pla.dll in the SYSWOW64 folder.
Simultaneously it also created the Launcher.exe in the AppData folder.
We hit another breakpoint of CreateProcess, it is creating a process of IUservice from the roaming folder,
Unfortunately, we do not see any executable in that folder, although it copied itself in that folder for persistence.
Another breakpoint of CreateProcess was hit, it is creating a process of from the SYSWOW64 folder,
We can also see in the SYSWOW64 folder.
In parallel we were also monitoring the network connections, The Set-up.exe tried to communicate with the following URL,
- IPs
- URLs
downcheck[.]nyc3[.]cdn[.]digitaloceanspaces[.]com hittybanndwk[.]shop racedsuitreow[.]shop defenddsouneuw[.]shop deallyharvenw[.]shop priooozekw[.]shop pumpkinkwquo[.]shop abortinoiwiam[.]shop surroundeocw[.]shop covvercilverow[.]shop steamcommunity[.]com
- Hashes
36a942a4e3308d47dfecbce2cd9c85ed316f877dbb85706f413cddcf04960a56 36c0dba42123f1bda46e4526af9a6fe2ceca755470703a45e90d5c0515c0044c 038511fc64801be03d8472a2f7a6ba8a27e0398cf876be1427c1463cf9190c80 11e3568f497c40331ee4a9e9973967e61b224e19204e09ed7451da3b74bd2ff5 fb64a5954b726d2d0f0bc26113a36dc8a86c469af994ceeaf2e2609743a0a557 80ae800e8b3a8091249d7e8b25a81788a3fe1ab5ece122bf0bd7ac458bc2f315 11d0f55c105883d203137a87a610ba793299dc4774fd6d8b3a86666a2c337041 6b2174db9f76580e59ff9fa91247491ce3da49172afe415ff8deb2a3fc7b97dc d5a6714ab95caa92ef1a712465a44c1827122b971bdb28ffa33221e07651d6f7 a65d00beae117d1421b28ec9e6fe03893586eb7c96cd2089644901088129e24f ccccadde7393f1b624cde32b38274e60bbe65b1769d614d129babdaeef9a6715 d4e5b7223d06cd464df898c6cf569ca00743e5e79e64009056602b09927d9bfe 95c8afbac49a7554453bfe509b11919a4e25742f292a11bac0ac467ec78b517a 92a918a88da8b8413381acad73ac093162d5237eedb1ef41c7c5aa604d3206ed c3f6f6f1c310d0d61c2d07950fb2bd23d2b8a979e52d94cb623435aaed30ec60 fe65540f70c1a4c7d9625f8dc8f81fc47bacd0ffb65cb4b147e20b27a7d5d709 c2a583893795478556573db3a020ee607fabe7e37473d094d825f96c4912c43d 118de01fb498e81eab4ade980a621af43b52265a9fcbae5dedc492cdf8889f35